Friday, February 12, 2010

"We either make ourselves happy or miserable. The amount of work is the same."

Carlos Castaneda
1925-2000, Author

I have observed that an awful lot of people seem to be spending an awful lot of their time making themselves miserable. Are you allowing them to make you miserable too? It's your choice, you know. Here are some suggestions:

1. Practice acceptance - Stop struggling against what is. The more attention you give to it the stronger and more pervasive it becomes. Besides, you can't change anyone else; you can only change your reaction.
2. Accept responsibility - Be willing to recognize your part in the play. How have your actions contributed to your current situation? What is the blessing in your current situation? Every problem is an opportunity in disguise. You may have to play detective, but be open to any possibility.
3. Forgive and love yourself - We are all doing the best we know how; you are no exception. Stop criticizing and start loving yourself. Be your best friend.
4. Give it up. Stop trying to be right. Stop defending your point of view, your opinion, your choices. There is no need to convince or persuade anyone. It's what you believe that matters.

Do you want to be the person who lights up a room by leaving it? I sure don't. Why not make it your mission to spread a little love and light wherever you go? It's hard to be miserable when you're doing that.

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